Resistbot Petition: COVID-19 & Dr. Fauci

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

COVID-19 & Dr. Fauci

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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Want to know the best way to doom what's left of the Republican party? Get behind comments like Mr. Trump voiced today discounting the cautions expressed by Dr. Fauci during the senate hearing on Covid-19. His comments about opening schools specifically. If you think people are going to send their children to school as part of a social experiment to test just how serious the contagion is, you are as deluded as he is delusional. You might need to be reminded that Dr. Fauci's trustworthy factor far exceeds our President. By far. He is the expert on contagious diseases. The President is not an expert. And will never be. Hopes and aspirations are not science. Having a hissy fit won't make the virus go away. We as a species are hopeful. That's what keeps us getting up in the mornings. But scientists are not swayed by hope. They are fact-oriented. We will not be helped by Mr. Trump's constant repetition of the reality he prefers. Mr. Trump should get out of the way. He is working against America's best interests. To think that our President, with his casual dissing of Dr. Fauci's educated cautions, will amplify the crazy rage already being exhibited on Fox News and the fringe right is so wrong. Against the one person we really need to have talking to us. So if y'all agree with the prez and his latest crazy stance, good luck with your steadily sinking ship. And every day Mr. Trump confirms it should sink as quickly as possible.

▶ Created on May 13, 2020 by Debbie

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