Resistbot Petition: CHAOS IS AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s overwhelming keeping track of the daily whirlwind of events. Each outrageous episode is superseded by another outrageous episode, ultimately leaving each episode under-appreciated. And by under-appreciated I mean discounted in favor of the newer, shinier version of whatever the current outrage is. Russia bounty paid to Taliban for the assassination of American troops in Afghanistan. Surely that can keep our attention for a bit. But no. On to Roger Stone and that whole corruption of our rule of law. Seems worthy of concern. Nope. On to the earth-shaking action of our President finally wearing a mask. That got more airplay than most everything else. We’re a simple people. Next. Attacking Dr. Fauci as a mistake-prone hack. Chuck Woolery way more qualified. Tweet his weighty pronouncements out to the loyal many. Stir the pot of misinformation. Then let’s send federal troops in to guard our precious monuments to a dead era, and badly injure a peaceful protestor while at it. An escalation of violence on this particular front seems the goal. But gotta keep moving. There’s so much more. It’s non-stop, relentless, attention-grabbing and oh so deliberate. Creating the chaos is the easy part. Digesting it and responding in a meaningful manner seems beyond us. And I include the American public who can’t get enough of the chaos. Myself included. But my interest is not for the endorphin rush. Not for the prurient thrill. It’s for the sheer terror invoked with having to witness and process it all. We are indeed all enablers of a failed presidency. There is no rational, realistic reason that such a person should become an American President. And having become an American President has managed to include us all in his monumental failure. He is still in office, even though he shouldn’t be. He is still given powerful credence, even though he shouldn’t be. And he still has the absolute power to bend us all to his will. Willingly. Or not. Best quote I’ve read today, referring to Mary Trump’s family expose: “And what she reveals is a devastating indictment of all the alleged adults who stick around Donald Trump, who came together to fail America, to leave vulnerable populations to fend for themselves, and who continue to lie and spin to pacify his ego. They do it because they can’t admit the payoff is never coming, and to save themselves from the embarrassment of having to admit they were catastrophically wrong.” That’s what you call hitting the nail on the head.

▶ Created on July 14, 2020 by Debbie

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