Resistbot Petition: WINNING STRATEGY?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I applaud the re-election campaign strategy chosen by your President and the GOP. The focus on the hellhole that is America, Trump’s America, is a winner. The focus on fomenting division between us and them resulting in escalating violence in the streets, Trump’s streets, is surely brilliant. Throw in a random shooting death here and there, all good for ratings. The focus on the fear factor in all things makes us feel hopeful. And ignoring the pandemic, wishing it weren’t so, in fact declaring it not so, is a marketing strategy par excellence. Then, narrowing down Mr. Trump’s primary audience to white, non-college educated males, surely that’s a winning majority to court. Now, top all that off with a firehose of conspiracy theory tweets and loony tune interviews and I expect the election is in the bag. Plus, it never hurts to have the entirety of the Russian propaganda machine working for you. That’s a method that has absolutely proven to be a winner. So, I think your party and your President are golden on this one. We’ll just sit back and watch the building burn down. In a good way of course. Lastly, I’ll end with a chuckle... “Trump’s vision of the world is getting more and more conspiratorial. Tonight in an interview with Fox News Channel personality Laura Ingraham, he claimed that “people that are in the dark shadows” are controlling Biden. He claimed this weekend there was an airplane full of “thugs” in “black uniforms,” out “to do big damage.” When Ingraham pressed for more information, he said: “I’ll tell you sometime but it’s under investigation.” Ingraham said: “That sounds like conspiracy theory.”” When Laura Ingraham validates your strategy, nuff said. P.S. The last time I heard anyone this paranoid he had been awake for 3 days. And literally peeking outside from behind a curtain waiting for THEM. Fortunately he wasn’t the President of the USA.

▶ Created on September 1, 2020 by Debbie

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