An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Quote for the day. And for the ages: “They are dying. That’s true. And it is what it is.” Unfortunately these are not the words of a Buddhist Zen Master, but the words of an American President during a pandemic he has washed his hands of. And ‘they’ would be 155K+ of individual Americans. Loved, mourned, important to the ones who have to learn to live without them. They are all of us. And they, and we, deserve more than a flip, dismissive ‘yeah that’s too bad but look at what a great job I’ve done.’ Which is all we hear. And which is the opposite of true. He’s failed the country. He fails us every time he opens his mouth. He fails us with subterfuge, with lies, with inaction, with deflection, with cowardice. Why did you and yours allow things to get to this point? This is the question history will be asking for a long time to come. Why? 90 days till November 3.

▶ Created on August 5, 2020 by Debbie

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