Resistbot Petition: GOP = OVER AND DONE WITH

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Whew. Friday is finally here. Which has extra-special meaning today since it means the end of the interminable, screeching, beat you upside your head with the coming apocalypse of a Biden presidency sideshow from the RNC. Next! Did you like that mess? Did it make you proud of your party? Of your country? Did you like the image of a reality-TV demagogue using the People’s House as a backdrop for his lies and vitriol? (We won’t go into the multiple violations of the Hatch Act, an act put specifically in place to avoid such gross abuses of political power, since it’s obvious you could care less about the Law and Order President breaking the law for his own interests.) It’s apparent he’s got nothing else in his arsenal but the power of his office. He’s failed at controlling the pandemic. (Not that he tried.) Our economy is a shadow of its former self. He’s stoked the fires of social division until we’re shooting each other in the streets. And our people suffer, suffer, suffer. He’s got nothing. He can’t articulate a single plan, other than Make America Great Again, Again. What a joke. As he harangues on about how awful things are someone should remind him that he’s the president right now. He’s not just campaigning to become president, he IS the president. And what a fine job he has done. And continues to do. And he knows it, judging from the lackluster drone we listened to last night in the guise of an acceptance speech. Bored and boring. If the sole purpose of his administration is to anger half the country in an effort to ‘own’ us, he’s doing a great job. But he’s not owning us. He is angering us. And what do angry people do? They get busy. They vote. They organize. They win elections. Keeping the American people angry with the constantly escalating outrage is the opposite of governance. So keep on stirring the pot of discontent. It’s working. And November will prove it. We’re dragging the country into the future whether you and yours like it or not.

▶ Created on August 28, 2020 by Debbie

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