Resistbot Petition: BURNING US DOWN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. You gotta love it. Who knew America would ever actually have a president inciting insurrection and violence against his own people. Or rather not HIS people, his people are the ones helping to burn down the country. I meant the theoretical we, the people people. Of those Mr. Trump has little thought and no regard. HIS people are those he is using like attack dogs. Siccing them on any segment of our society that displeases him. Armed and ready to defend him. God, he must high on the power of it all. And I expect y’all are digging it. The law and order president. Putting it to the anarchists and rabble-rousers in the street. The problem with this fantasy is that we can see how things unfold. Protests for social justice have erupted in random violence. But not most. Most are peaceful. Unfortunately that is getting lost in the counter-violence that is being fomented on social media and out of the WH. A volatile situation has gasoline poured on it. Encouraged by the WH. Political rhetoric is one thing. Encouraging division and violence among our people is not something that will disappear after the November election. Civil war created now will be exacerbated after the election. I hope, every once in awhile, if you actually think about it, imagine what you might be feeling if it was a President Obama behaving like this. If you are truthful with yourself, you would not only be livid, you would appreciate the destruction being done. Just because a race war is started by a white man doesn’t make it acceptable. Or justified. We should all be crying for our country right now. Helping our country. Not fighting and killing each other. You should tell your President.

▶ Created on August 30, 2020 by Debbie

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