Resistbot Petition: MAGA AD? WITH RUSSIANS?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just ending the day with a chuckle I thought I’d share with you. I see all the best minds are hard at work again. Have you heard the one about the super patriotic America First MAGA ad boasting support of our troops, but the jet shown flying over their silhouettes is a Russian MiG-29? Couldn’t the ad folks afford a shot of an American fighter jet? Or given the infiltration of all things Russian into all things Trump they probably just pulled a freebie out of a drawer somewhere. Hilarious huh? AND they’re using the ad as a donation solicitation. Who wouldn’t want to give their $$$ to our future overlords? Hmmmm...but I’m not sure this is a good antidote to Mr. Trump’s recent denigration of our troops. But you gotta appreciate the unintended humor. I just hope it’s not a portent of our future reality. Russian looks like a really hard language to learn.

▶ Created on September 15, 2020 by Debbie

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