

  1. United States
  2. Maryland
  3. Sen. Benjamin Cardin

Sen. Benjamin Cardin

% Approval
Map PinColumbia, MD

Halt U.S. military aid enabling potential genocide in Gaza.

The evidence presented by the University Network for Human Rights report is deeply disturbing. With an estimated 34,000 Palestinians killed, over 14,000 of them children, and entire civilian populations forcibly displaced and deprived of food, water and other necessities for survival, there are stro

Map PinColumbia, MD

Halt arms to Israel until human rights are protected.

Continuing to provide arms to Israel while they carry out indiscriminate attacks killing civilians and aid workers constitutes a violation of international law and risks complicity in war crimes. The United Nations has accused Israel of failing to distinguish fighters from civilians, resulting in ov

Map PinCalifornia, MD

OAN and FOX News are not news channels. They are spewing propaganda at people to incite anti-american values of racism, facism, and autocracy. I urge you and the rest of congress to investigate FOX News and OAN and have them arrested for sedition.

Verified VoterFrostburg, MD


I understand that Senator Manchin has introduced another “dirty permitting deal” to fast-track fossil fuel expansion. It’s called the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024, and it’s bad. It’s a direct attack on our climate and the communities on the frontlines of fossil fuel extraction. One particul

Verified VoterBaltimore, MD

I am writing to you today with a profound sense of anger and urgency regarding the abhorrent actions of the Israeli regime and the continued support the United States offers to this oppressive state. It is time that we demand justice for the Palestinian people and put an end to our complicity in the

Map PinRockville, MD

Demand that the corrupt Justice Clarence Thomas RESIGN

It seems like every week we hear about more “gifts” that Justice Clarence Thomas received but did not disclose - flights, vacations, costly fees paid off, etc. How many tens of millions of dollars’ worth of stuff has he gotten to get him to rule in certain ways for certain people? You should be aski

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