  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Stand with President Biden

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Eshoo, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Half Moon Bay, CA

July 17

I want you to stand and announce your support for Biden 2024. We want to be getting excited for the DNC convention. Democrats not standing with Biden and speaking out negatively is hurting the election of all democrats. You are leaving us in an awful position as grass-root supporters. Now the far right is saying either the left can't be loyal to their president or not lo yal to the country by not removing Biden. This is unacceptable. Many | know are currently not calling, texting or knocking on doors because of the flip flopping of the party. This is no way to get out the vote. We waited a week, then two and it is still persisting in the press and it must stop now. nd off the far right. In fact it should never have been aired in public at all. If we are going to save this country from Trump we must act cohesively as France just did to fe Please make a united and unified announcement immediately and stand by President Biden and VP Harris before we lose this country for good. End

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