Gary Peters


  1. United States
  2. Michigan
  3. Sen. Gary Peters

Sen. Gary Peters

Map PinGrand Rapids, MI

Count SAVE forbearance toward PSLF/IDR forgiveness for public servants

The mandatory forbearance for borrowers enrolled in the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan is an unfortunate setback that will prevent progress toward Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) or Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) forgiveness for the duration of the forbearance period. However, this

Map PinLansing, MI

Let’s beat MAGA at the polls! Joe did the right thing.

Kamala has my confidence and she will get my vote. Choosing a VP from a swing state is paramount. We need debates and a large engagement of the voters leading up to the democratic national convention. This process needs to be open with vast debates. You may have stayed silent because you knew things

Verified VoterOxford, MI

Biden should not have dropped

As a Democrat I’m disgusted with my own party right now. Notice the Republican playbook to lockstep behind their leader. It works! Not us. Oh no. We gotta start some age discrimination and let that snow ball roll down hill! Harris cannot win against Trump. There is no way. She is not a strong candid

Verified VoterMetamora, MI

The DNC should nominate Pete Buttigieg to replace Biden

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe Biden called me an elitist because I have eyes and ears. He must go NOW!

Now, Joe Biden is calling me an elitist. I’m an elitist making $20 an hour, going into debt. I’m an elitist for wanting to beat Trump and prevent fascism from taking over. I’m an elitist for wanting to preserve the constitution, rule of law, snd democracy itself. I’m an elitism for understanding the

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe is failing us all with his egotistical denialism and gaslighting.

You have 48 hours to come out to demand Joe Biden bow out of the presidential race. Joe Biden had no path to victory. If you don’t stand up and speak the truth clearly and forcefully, you will lose my support and my vote. I will not give you a dime or spend one once of energy trying to get you elect

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe has no path to victory, allow a winning ticket to emerge with debates.

I’m so sick of your inability to voice the truth. Joe Biden’s mental decline and now stubbornness to face reality is a recipe for fascism to take over. This race was over weeks ago and you still can voice the truth or the math. Joe Biden has no path to victory and you know it. He will bring down the

Verified VoterBay City, MI

Make the SAVE plan law to protect struggling college graduates

The recent court ruling blocking the SAVE student loan repayment plan will have devastating consequences for millions of borrowers struggling with unaffordable monthly payments. This program would have provided much-needed relief by lowering payments and offering a shorter path to forgiveness. With

Map PinLansing, MI

Speak truth to power or resign. YOU! Do what’s necessary or resign. NOW!

If the DNC rushes and nominates Biden in this environment, your party/ this country/ and the world will get destroyed. Say goodbye to Ukraine, say goodbye to Palestine, say goodbye to Taiwan. Russia will be invading other sovereign nations will ally fascist Trump, WWIII will break out with NATO knee

Map PinLansing, MI

Your silence is pathetic and cowardly, we need Open Convention NOW!

You want to show the American people that the DNC and democrats want a fair election that presents the two best candidates? Have a unified open convention with only positive policy and positive messaging, no attacking each other but having each candidate make the case to the American people why they

Map PinLansing, MI

Biden has no path and you know it. Speak the truth and speak it loud.

You want to tear this whole country down by sticking with old coward Joe Biden that can barely string together two sentences? You don’t want to speak the truth? You don’t want to face reality? Well reality is coming whether you like it or not and there’s only one option- Demand Joe step down and get

Map PinLansing, MI

Biden will bring the house and senate down with him. What are you doing!?

You have until Monday to voice the truth. You have until Monday to grow a spine. You have until money to do what’s necessary in order to preserve democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law. Joe Biden’s mental decline is too much, every telepromptered speech and god forbid off the cuff intervie

Map PinLansing, MI

Biden is not only destroying his legacy, but putting THE WORLD in danger.

So you all want this to get ugly? You want to stay silent while Biden loses in a historic landslide for a rapist 34x felon fascist? You want to be remembered as the cowards who stayed silent but could have prevented the destruction of democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution? Where is your s

Map PinLansing, MI

You continue your silence as this country begs for new leadership.

Your silence is deafening. So this is going to continue… there will be no graceful exit. Biden is now ruining his legacy every day he continues this disastrous “campaign” of lies, denials, and delusions. And you are continuing to be silent this in dark and unstable time. The DNC, Biden Campaign, and

Map PinLansing, MI

Biden needs to drop out NOW! Your silence is DEAFENING!

So this is going to continue… there will be no graceful exit. Biden is now ruining his legacy every day he continues this disastrous “campaign” of lies, denials, and delusions. And you are continuing to be silent this in dark and unstable time. The DNC, Biden Campaign, and even you cannot be trusted

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe has no path to victory, make your voice be heard NOW!

Now that Biden is stepping down, there needs to be a few simple steps that need to be taken and a few difficult but necessary steps. We need debates starting next week. This will ensure the people have a voice and it’s not that “next one up” mentality BS. We need the strongest ticket possible. These

Verified VoterAllendale, MI

Biden Harris 24

Please support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it is entirely too late to be playing these games with the nominee. I'm not sure if you talk to anyone who's publicly trying to pressure Biden to step down, but please talk to them. We cannot afford 4 more years of trump. Talk to your constituents, reach o

Map PinKalamazoo, MI

Cosponsor & Support S.1186

S.1186 prohibits first use strike of nuclear weapons unless congress authorizes. Please cosponsor & enable this.

Map PinLansing, MI

We need debates, an open convention, and Biden to go nuclear!

Now that Biden is stepping down, there needs to be a few simple steps that need to be taken and a few difficult but necessary steps. We need debates starting next week. This will ensure the people have a voice and it’s not that “next one up” mentality BS. We need the strongest ticket possible. These

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe Biden will drag the democrats to a historic loss, the numbers are clear.

You know what’s pathetic? The people staying silent on the obvious, that math makes it almost impossible for Joe Biden to win. When democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law are on the line, it’s time for a real change that starts with debates and a primary process at the convention. The long

Map PinPlymouth, MI


Democrats once again prove their inability to rally and support the base. I support Biden and Harris as do many I stood with in Detroit last week and speak with daily. As an active volunteer, activist and Democratic supporter for many years I can honestly say I have never been more fearful or disc

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe will drag this party into fascism with a Trump victory. It’s clear as day.

Joe must bow out for the good of the country. Joe will not beat Donald Trump. Joe is losing to Trump in every swing state. This isn’t rocket science. It’s your choice, democracy or fascism. Joe gives us fascism through a Trump victory. Gretchen Whitmer would mop the floor with MAGA everywhere! This

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe must bow out for the good of the country. Joe will not beat Donald Trump. Joe is losing to Trump in every swing state. This isn’t rocket science. It’s your choice, democracy or fascism. Joe gives us fascism through a Trump victory. Gretchen Whitmer would mop the floor with MAGA everywhere! This

Map PinLansing, MI

Now it’s you, not Joe. At least his excuse is mental decline, what’s yours?

If Joe Biden gets this “nomination” on July 21st, this will be the end of democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution. You will be apart of this MAGA take over and disaster because you didn’t have the courage, backbone, integrity to speak the truth. You know Joe Biden is walking into a slaughte

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe has no path to victory, so wtf are you doing about it?

Joe Biden has no path to victory, you are setting us up for disaster. Why must you roll over and let MAGA win? What’s your motivation to get destroyed in November? Is it your lack of integrity? Is your lack of patriotism? Is it lack of a spine? Is your lack of mathematics? Is it your lack of knowled

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe loses to Trump by a landslide and you know it. Act accordingly.

Joe must bow out for the good of the country. Joe will not beat Donald Trump. Joe is losing to Trump in every swing state. This isn’t rocket science. It’s your choice, democracy or fascism. Joe gives us fascism through a Trump victory. Gretchen Whitmer would mop the floor with MAGA everywhere! This

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe has no path to victory and you are following him down.. for what? Tell me.

Biden has no path to victory and your silence is deafening. Joe has become a bitter self centered lying clown. I normally use that language for Trump but I call a spade a spade. Trump is a 34x felon rapist and he’s beating Joe in every major swing state and even Virginia FFS. Show me how Biden wins

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe has no path to victory, NEW TICKET NOW!

And now the DNC and Biden Administration are trying to fast track Biden’s nomination process from the convention to next week!? Are you kidding me? What kind of lunacy is this? Biden is LOSING every single swing state including Michigan. If the democrats do this, if the DNC does this, if the Biden C

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe will lose by a landslide and you know it. Your silence will be the cause.

The time is now, you just act. Joe Biden is going to lose this election. All the data all the polling all the indicators point to a MAGA dominated swing state turn out. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to lose democracy? Are you waiting to lose the constitution? Are you waiting to lose the

Map PinLansing, MI

Joe Biden is dragging down the party at the worst time in history.

Joe Biden has turned into a foolish self centered coward only thinking about himself. His claims are false and not based in reality, his mental and physical decline is painfully obvious and takes over each new cycle. Joe Biden is losing in “swing” states that shouldn’t exist like Virginia. He’s losi

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