

  1. United States
  2. New Mexico
  3. Rep. Melanie Stansbury

Rep. Melanie Stansbury

Verified VoterAlbuquerque, NM

NO on HR 9495!

Please vote NO on HR 9495. It is deceptively named and could be used by the next administration to target nonprofits they don't like. There will be many of us they don't like! Thank you.

Map PinAlbuquerque, NM

Revisit Terror-Financing Act to Balance Security and Rights

The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act aims to provide support for U.S. citizens wrongfully detained or taken hostage overseas, an admirable goal. However, its provisions terminating tax exemptions without due process and overly broad scope risk infringing on civil libe

Map PinAlbuquerque, NM

In the next two months, Senate Democrats can... Fill 47 judicial vacancies, Ensure a Dem majority on the NLRB, Appoint key regulators to the SEC and FDIC to protect the American people from financial fraud & Reappoint FTC Chair Lina Khan Please urge your fellow Democrats to take action now

Map PinAlbuquerque, NM

Vote no on HR 9495

Please vote against HR 9495. It is extremely dangerous to give this corrupt incoming administration the ability to target non profits due to nebulous accusations of 'terrorist support'. This bill could provide the legal justification for the suppression of free speech and opposition to government ab

Verified VoterAlbuquerque, NM

Thank you!

I'm grateful to be represented by such excellent Democrats. It's a hard day, and I hope our little blue state can stand up to the coming autocracy. Thank you for all your work toward getting Kamala Harris elected! We are ready to continue the fight!

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