  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Respectfully urging Biden not to seek re-election in 2024

To: Rep. Molinaro, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in Ellenville, NY

July 20

President Biden has served admirably, leading us through immense challenges and making important progressive strides. However, recent polling and debate performances suggest a different Democratic candidate may have a stronger chance of defeating the existential threat posed by Donald Trump in 2024. While Biden's achievements are formidable, protecting our democracy from further erosion must be the top priority. Therefore, I urge President Biden to fulfill his promise of being a "transition president" by declining to seek re-nomination. This would allow the Democratic convention to select a nominee better positioned to rally widespread support and secure victory. Our nation cannot afford a second Trump term. President Biden putting country over self-interest and passing the torch would secure his legacy as a leader who put democracy first when it mattered most.

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