Kirsten Gillibrand


  1. United States
  2. New York
  3. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

% Approval
Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. & Israeli Crimes

End all support for Israel. Enough children are being identified by stray body parts. End the genocide you are perpetuating against the people of Gaza.

Map PinLarchmont, NY

I understand that The Democracy for All Amendment is now live in Congress. This Amendment would empower Congress and states to set reasonable campaign fi United ruling. I strongly support it and want the Congressmember/Senator to as well. I am distraught about the effect of money in politics. We hav

Verified VoterWoodstock, NY

Ceasefire Now, No Offensive Aid to Israel!

I strongly urge you to call on President Biden to broker an immediate, permanent ceasefire and to stop sending offensive military support to israel.

Verified VoterWhite Plains, NY


As a member of several marginalized communities, I'm deeply dismayed at the advancement of the KOSA bill and urge you, my representatives, to oppose it. KOSA will not protect kids. It will instead make them more vulnerable, just as SESTA-FOSTA made sex workers more vulnerable. Simply put, Congress h

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

Vote NO on KOSA

Please vote no on S. 1409, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). Despite the bill’s revisions between the 117th and 118th Congress, the fundamental challenges of the bill remain. Having one of the mechanisms for enforcement center around states’ attorney general absolutely opens the door for political

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

It was deeply disheartening to see how our Congress welcomed and applauded Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. His campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people is a work of evil and blight and excessive violence on this world. It is a shame and a horror that our government continues to support him

Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. / Israel relations

End all U.S. support for Israel as it continues to conduct genocide against Palestinians both within the Palestinian Territories and Israeli boarders (however tenuous those are).

Verified VoterAverill Park, NY

Protect LGBTQ+ youth: Oppose KOSA's internet censorship risks

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) purportedly aims to protect minors from harmful online content, but its broad provisions could lead to widespread suppression of valuable information and communities for LGBTQ+ youth. Many young people rely on the internet to learn about gender identity, sexuality,

Verified VoterNew York, NY

NO on KOSA!! Shame on the platforming of Netanyahu in the Capitol!

I’m your constituent in zipcode 10029. I’m frustrated that the KOSA bill is being brought to the floor, & urge a NO vote. Leaving it to be enforced by state attorneys general leaves the potential for abuse. And it’s still far too broadly written, won’t keep kids safe, & could endanger/harm people, e

Map PinHicksville, NY

Netanyahu before Congress is a DISGRACE

I am disgusted that a bipartisan effort in US Congress invited and is allowing Netanyahu to speak before US Congress this week. Even CBS Sunday Morning reports on the targeted murder of children and civilians. This is not fringe info. There is no more denying this reality that your constituents h

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

Support Airborne Act

To prevent the continuing spread of COVID-19 and to defend ourselves from future respiratory illnesses, we need to demand better indoor air quality. To that end, the Airborne Act aims to require indoor air quality assessments of non-residential buildings and upgrade their filtration systems. Please

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY

Arrest Netanyahu for War Crimes

The Hague's International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrents for PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense chief for war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed during the last 9 months of US-funded genocide in Gaza. I demand the US government arrests Netanyahu immediately for trial by th

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY


I request that you do not attend Netanyahu's speech to Congress on July 24. He is a war criminal and has weakened our democracy tremendously. Get out of the pocket of AIPAC. Listen to your constituents. Nothing about Netanyahu represents Jewish ideals and to have him speak to our congress is not on

Map PinGarden City, NY

End all support for Israel.

Map PinNew York, NY

Endorse Kamala Harris Now

We applaud President Biden today, not only for his extraordinary career, and his many accomplishments as President, but moreover, because he chose countr y over himself and party. He is a true American and leader. And now is the time for YOU, my good Senators, to also put country first, by publi

Verified VoterStaten Island, NY

. I want to hear an endorsement by tomorrow Time to get on board with VP Harris. If you don't want Trump as president Dems must rally for her. This is serious. She is qualified. Get excited dammit

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY

Endorse VP Kamala Harris

In light of President Biden stepping down from the election, it’s urgent that we coalesce around the only remaining candidate who’s been on the ballot and selected by primary voters: Kamala Harris. I urge you to endorse VP Harris as quickly as possible.

Verified VoterHudson, NY

I am calling on you to unite behind Kamala Harris immediately and wholeheartedly. NOW. This is now our only way forward. Polls, racism, donor class preferences—none of that matters. After a massive failure of party leadership to support Biden, the games stop NOW. Harris for President!

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

Support Harris as the nominee

I’m very upset by the news that President Biden has chosen to withdraw from the election today. I believe that his policies have helped Americans and I believe in his vision for our country. I am deeply disheartened that he was bullied into this decision. Since President Biden has endorsed Vice Pres

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

Harris for President

Please give your full support to Kamala Harris as presidential nominee. This is not the time for hesitation. For too long the party has wobbled on moving forward. We need to stand together by her as the Democratic nominee for president. The risk to our nation is too great; we must not splinter our p

Map PinSetauket, NY

Support Kamala Harris

Now that Biden has stepped down in favor of Kamala Harris it is imperative that all democrats back her at once, in a show of strength. Do not weaken the party by demanding a second primary, we already voted for the Biden Harris ticket in our first primary and that is enough. The whole point of a vic

Map PinNew York, NY

I strongly support Kamala Harris to be our nominee

Now that President Biden has announced he won't seek re-election, I strongly support Vice President Harris to be the nominee. I urge you to quickly do the same.

Map PinGarrison, NY

Please endorse VP Harris

I am saddened by the decision of President Biden to withdraw from the election this fall. He was a great president and history I hope will look back on his many successes in a time of great turmoil in our democracy. With the Presidents withdrawal, I ask you to please endorse VP Harris to be the can

Map PinElmsford, NY

As President Biden has stepped down from the election, it’s imperat ive that we support the only remaining candidate who’s been on the ballot and selected by primary voters: Kamala Harris. I urge you to endorse VP Harris as quickly as possible.

Map PinForest Hills, NY

Please take the opportunity to endorse Kamala Harris for President as soon as possible! We need the Democratic Party to be unified going into what will be a very rough election.

Verified VoterTroy, NY

The atrocity against Joe Biden

I see you, especially Schumer, got what you wanted. Thank you for handing trump the presidency - don't even bother spening the money to put up another candidate. None of you bothered to listen to us voters and you destroyed a good man and a great president. You all make me sick and you can absolutl

Map PinNew York, NY

I was very encouraged to hear President Biden hint at his support for term limits for Supreme Court justices, an enforceable code of ethics, and a potential constitutional amendment to counteract the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity. I am 100% behind all of these initiatives. A

Map PinGarden City, NY

Foreign Aid to Israel, Stipulations

Do not continue funding a military which is forcing parents to identify the corpses of their children by individual 'surviving' body parts. End all aid to Israel immediately.

Map PinOneonta, NY

Support Biden-Harris ticket

I support a Biden-Harris ticket and I expect you to honor the will of the voters. I urge you to publicly state that Joe Biden should stay in the race.

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY

Stop the infighting and start focusing on GOTV in November

As one of your constituents, I’m calling on you as a leading member of the Democratic Party to push the party to FOCUS. We need to stop the constant bits and pieces of information about Biden and whether he’ll stay on the ticket, and the cycle of media reacting and the party reacting back. It is baf

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