  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Crisis at University of Arts: Support impacted students, ensure degrees

To: Gov. Shapiro, Sen. Pennycuick, Rep. Ciresi

From: A constituent in Pottstown, PA

June 7

The sudden closure of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia has left students in a precarious situation, disrupting their academic pursuits and future plans. Without a proper teach-out plan or clear guidance from the administration, many face uncertainty about completing their degrees, transferring credits, and securing transcripts. This abrupt shutdown highlights concerning issues within higher education regarding financial mismanagement and lack of transparency. We urge immediate action to support these impacted students. Firstly, UArts must provide detailed information on transfer pathways to nearby institutions like Temple University, Drexel University, and Moore College of Art and Design. Ensuring credits transfer seamlessly and financial aid packages are honored is crucial. Secondly, the university should collaborate with accrediting bodies to develop a comprehensive teach-out plan, allowing students to complete their programs with minimal disruption. Furthermore, we call for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding UArts' closure to promote accountability and prevent similar situations in the future. Students have invested significant time, effort, and resources into their education, and their welfare should be the top priority. It is imperative that we address this crisis promptly and work towards reforming higher education practices to safeguard students' interests.

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