  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Demand Biden and Congress to Take Action to Protect Civilians in Sudan

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Waters, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Inglewood, CA

September 15

I write with deep concern about the developments in Sudan. Since April 2023, the ongoing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has devastated the country. There have been countless atrocities, more than 20,000 civilians killed, and millions forcibly displaced and in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Many in Sudan are at the brink of famine, if not experiencing these horrors already. The threat of violence against civilians remains and the risk of widespread hunger grows. It is clear that urgent action is needed to prevent further atrocities and loss of life. I urge the President and Congress to: - Fully resource and elevate the appointed Special Envoy for Sudan through the passing of bill S.4475 (Response to Conflict in Sudan Act), which would strengthen diplomatic efforts to protect civilians and secure humanitarian access, including through bilateral and multilateral engagement with the leaders of governments with influence over the parties involved in the conflict - Call out governments implicated in arming those responsible for committing atrocities against civilians, and in violation of the UN Security Council Sudan Arms Embargo - Work with other donor countries to scale up humanitarian assistance, including through local Emergency Response Rooms and other mutual aid groups led by Sudanese civilians - Support evidence collection, documentation efforts, and accountability measures in Sudan including through the UN Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan, the International Criminal Court, and any future credible accountability process within Sudan - Engage and support the governments of neighboring countries to ensure aid and refuge is offered to those fleeing hunger and violence in Sudan. Most urgently, I urge the President to speak out on the crisis in Sudan. Address the nation and the world to bear witness to the tragedy unfolding in Sudan, to mobilize international support for Sudanese civilians, and to prevent the further loss of civilian life.

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