Demand Immediate Investigation into Gaza Mass Graves
  1. United States
  2. N.H.
  3. Letter

Demand Immediate Investigation into Gaza Mass Graves

To: Sen. Hassan, Rep. Kuster, Sen. Shaheen, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Brookline, NH

April 26

The alarming discovery of mass graves in Gaza, containing over 720 bodies at Nasser Medical Complex and Al-Shifa Hospital, necessitates immediate action. Evidence of torture, mutilation, and execution, including among children and medical staff, underscores the urgency of this situation. The ongoing assault on Gaza, now exceeding 200 days, compounds an already dire humanitarian crisis. Infrastructure is destroyed, basic necessities are scarce, and death and suffering persist. It is crucial to demand an immediate, independent forensic analysis of these deaths. This is not merely about accountability, but also about preventing further atrocities. The international community's call for an investigation must be acted upon. The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated.

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