  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Stop Incremental Genocide in Palestine by Implementing an Arms Embargo on Israel

To: Sen. Bennet, Pres. Biden, Rep. Crow, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

September 13, 2024

I am writing to demand that you take immediate action to impose an arms embargo on Israel. As the U.S. government continues to supply military aid, Israel’s occupation and aggression toward Palestinians have only escalated, leading to devastating consequences for civilians. As Noam Chomsky highlights in his analysis, U.S. support for Israel directly enables a regime that routinely violates international law and commits war crimes, such as the ongoing siege of Gaza and the annexation of Palestinian territories. The assault on Gaza, which Chomsky refers to as a form of “incremental genocide,” is only possible due to the military hardware and financial backing Israel receives from nations like the United States. The disproportionate use of force, targeting of civilian infrastructure, and systematic denial of basic human rights for Palestinians clearly constitute crimes against humanity. This violence is not isolated; it is a direct result of Israel’s policy of occupation, expansion, and apartheid, all sustained by foreign arms and diplomatic protection. It is time for the United States to stop being complicit in these atrocities. By continuing to send military aid, we are endorsing a regime that practices collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and the destruction of Palestinian life and culture. The U.S. has a moral responsibility to cease its support of Israel’s war machine and to join the international community in condemning its actions through tangible measures like an arms embargo. I urge you to take a stand for human rights, justice, and peace by pushing for an immediate halt to all arms transfers to Israel. Only through these actions can the U.S. begin to undo the damage caused by decades of support for this violent occupation. For further insight into the ongoing human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank, I recommend reviewing the detailed analysis by Noam Chomsky (

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