  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

New Report Details IDF’s Approval of Free-For-All Civilian Casualties in Gaza

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Pres. Biden, Sen. Bennet, Rep. Crow

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

July 16

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding a recent report published by +972 Magazine titled “‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza.” The article provides disturbing accounts from Israeli soldiers, revealing a deeply troubling shift in the operational procedures that has led to a significant increase in violence against civilians in Gaza. The report includes testimonies from soldiers who describe a permissive environment where shooting at civilians has become a commonplace practice, often driven by boredom or simply because the civilian is within range rather than any legitimate military necessity. One soldier disturbingly admits, “I’m bored, so I shoot,” highlighting a severe breakdown in the rules of engagement and a lack of accountability within the ranks. “There was total freedom of action,” said B., another soldier who served in the regular forces in Gaza for months, including in his battalion’s command center. “If there is [even] a feeling of threat, there is no need to explain — you just shoot.” When soldiers see someone approaching, “it is permissible to shoot at their center of mass [their body], not into the air,” B. continued. “It’s permissible to shoot everyone, a young girl, an old woman.” Such practices not only violate international humanitarian law but also exacerbate the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza, including women, children, and other non-combatants. The testimonies point to a systemic issue where the use of excessive force is not only tolerated but, in some cases, implicitly encouraged by the lack of stringent oversight and clear rules of engagement. As your constituent, I urge you to address this urgent issue by taking the following actions: 1. Condemn the Reported Practices 2. Demand an Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire 3. Demand an Independent Investigation 4. Support Humanitarian Aid 5. Promote End of Military Aid to Israel The situation in Gaza is dire and requires immediate international attention. It is imperative that the United States, as a global leader, takes a firm stand against these reported violations and works towards ensuring the protection of civilian lives and the restoration of peace and justice in the region. I look forward to you taking action on this critical matter. (

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