  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Act Now to Save Democracy: Urgent Call for Democratic Party Leadership Change

To: Sen. Schumer, Rep. Tonko, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Gansevoort, NY

July 2

Given President Biden's disappointing performance in the presidential debate and the recent SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity, it is crucial that the Democratic Party asks him to step aside voluntarily as the Democratic presidential nominee. Immediate action is necessary to prevent Donald Trump from securing a third term, which would harm our democracy and the future of our planet. If Biden refuses to step aside and allow a more capable leader to take his place, the American people will compel the Democratic Party to listen, through grassroots efforts or by abstaining from voting altogether. We must act promptly to prevent Donald Trump's fascist ideology from regaining a foothold in our country. As my elected representative, it is essential that you demonstrate your commitment to our democracy by advocating for an alternative Democratic presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention. Please do the right thing to safeguard the Democratic Party and our nation's future in light of these critical developments regarding presidential immunity.

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