  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Collins, Sen. King

From: A constituent in Buxton, ME

November 21

The proposed legislation aimed at providing relief to American hostages and deterring terrorist financing raises valid concerns. However, terminating the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed terrorist supporters through an administrative process without judicial oversight could infringe on due process and freedom of association rights. We must strike a balance between national security and upholding core constitutional principles. I urge reconsideration of sections granting the executive branch unilateral authority to revoke tax exemptions based on classified evidence. Independent judicial review should be mandatory to prevent potential abuse and safeguard civil liberties. American values of justice and liberty must not be compromised, even in pursuing vital security objectives against terror financing. I encourage exploring alternative measures that achieve security while preserving fundamental rights and keeping checks on government power.

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