  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Stop the war on Palestinians

To: Rep. Wexton, Pres. Biden, Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner

From: A constituent in Leesburg, VA

May 28

I’m writing again to urge you to help put an end to the war in Gaza and to recognize the plight and human rights of the Palestinian people. We are watching in horror as day after day the atrocities escalate and civilians are killed by the Israeli government using weapons supplied or paid for by the United States. As a mother and human my heart breaks at the loss of life and lack of humanity on display. It is concerning that the US is literally enabling these deaths by our support of Israel. I watch as American and Israeli Jews declare “not in my name” and that the well known phrase “never again” literally refers to what is happening now. We owe it to our children to show them we don’t condone violence against innocents. That we protect civilian life and that we are against occupation in all of its forms. I am also gravely concerned about what our pro-Israel stance may do to our chances of defeating Trump this year. Another four years of a Trump administration would be dangerous on soo many levels. Unfortunately, the current approach is alienating many in the Democratic base who could sit out or vote for 3rd party candidates both of which put us at risk this election year. Respectfully and with high hopes that we can come out on the right side of history this time.

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