  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

No more Bunkum economics: trickle down doesn't work

To: Sen. Collins

From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME

December 3

Please do your homework on economics. You touted Trump's tax cuts as a positive measure and look what they did: they added trillions to the deficit. I wrote to you then about how top credentialed economists had said the tax cuts would fail to boost the economy. You ignored that. Why? Was it your donors? Or was it because you are badly informed and badly advised? Now Trump is proposing tax cuts, tariffs and deficits. This will cause massive inflation. Have you even learnt a lesson? I'm concerned that you have not. Repeat after me: Trickle down economics has failed. It never spreads the wealth or grows the economy. Note that under Bidenomics, the US had the best post-covid economy. Please do the homework. Don't peddle lies about tax cuts for the very rich or trickle down economics. You were wrong last time and were proven wrong. Acknowledge it and don't make the mistake again. Say no to Trump tax cuts for the rich and no to tariffs. Please reply to acknowledge this letter and admit your past errors.

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