  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

Release Jack Smith’s full report! Overturn Judge Cannon’s ruling!

To: Rep. Tokuda, Sen. Schatz, Sen. Hirono

From: A verified voter in Kaneohe, HI

January 8

The American people deserve full transparency and accountability regarding the investigations into the former president's conduct. In the interests of upholding the rule of law and maintaining public trust in our justice system, it is imperative that the report compiled by Special Counsel Jack Smith be released in its entirety and without redactions. Attempts to conceal or suppress its findings undermine the principles of open democracy and fuel doubts about the impartiality of the judicial process. A complete and unredacted disclosure of the report's contents is vital to provide a comprehensive account of the evidence uncovered and the legal reasoning behind the special counsel's actions and decisions. The public has a right to this information to properly evaluate the integrity of the investigations and promote faith in the equal application of justice. Releasing the full report expeditiously would reinforce the transparency and independence expected of the Department of Justice while upholding its commitment to the American people.

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