  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Vote on AOC

To: Rep. Golden, Sen. King, Sen. Collins

From: A verified voter in Readfield, ME

December 18

The Democratic Party must prioritize diversity, fresh perspectives, and forward-thinking leadership that resonates with younger generations. Overlooking Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a qualified young woman, for a top committee role in favor of a 74-year-old man with health issues perpetuates outdated norms and misogynistic biases. This decision alienates voters seeking bold, inclusive representation reflecting their values and vision for the future. As constituents, we demand better from our elected officials - leadership embracing equity, talent, and the changing face of America rather than clinging to the status quo. Representation matters, and this choice discourages aspiring women leaders everywhere. Rectify this mistake by elevating diverse voices to ensure our government accurately reflects the people it serves.

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