  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

Support Biden

To: Rep. Case, Sen. Hirono, Sen. Schatz

From: A constituent in Honolulu, HI

July 19

I apologize, oh beleaguered staff member of congressperson, but I'm yet another person writing to you about President Biden. I have no idea who is telling him to step aside, but holy cats would that be an unforced error. Yes, there are old (ironic!), wealthy white men who don't want him to run, but at this point changing candidates is going to invite chaos - republican lawsuits in states to keep him on the ballot (that will inevitably be slow walked by the right wing courts until after th election), Harris fans (like myself) who will be enraged and check out if she isn't the nominee, the same forces that went after Clinton of she *is* the nominee, endless "democrats in disarray" headlines, party infighting, denials and finger pointing and everything awful we faced in 2016. Biden won in 2020. He can win again this year. Please urge him to stay in the race and urge your colleagues to get back in lounge behind him. Mahalo!

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