- United States
- Maine
- Letter
Say NO to appointees doing Putin's work to weaken and destabilise the US
To: Sen. King, Sen. Collins
From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME
November 25, 2024
Please take a moment to see things from a larger perspective:
"Imagine that you are a foreign leader who wishes to destroy the United States. How could you do so? The easiest way would be to get Americans to do the work themselves, to somehow induce Americans to undo their own health, law, administration, defense, and intelligence."
Yes imagine that. A nation at the forefront of medical research with top universities and the best post covid economy with a ruler who would ruin public health by allowing once devastating childhood diseases to run wild like in a deprived country? Deliberately crashing the economy to benefit his rich pals? Politicising the rule of law, law enforcement and undermining the agencies charged with intelligence gathering to aid national security? Who would do that? Imagine the same person wreckribg veterans benefits and politicising the military?
Surely only a foe, or someone bent on assisting our foes, would adopt such policies.
Wake up and smell the newly polished jackboots and Russian vodka. Trump's policies-and Musk's --and his nominees are all a gift to Vladimir Putin.
Take a long view and don't let GOP pressure and partisanship push you into approving rotten nominees: demand FBI vetting. Do not approve those who will wreck their agencies Those words at the start? They are quoted from Timothy Snyder. Read and reflect.