  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Joyce, Sen. Vance, Pres. Biden, Sen. Brown

From: A verified voter in Cortland, OH

June 9

Hello, I am a 61 yr old disabled USAF VETERAN. In 1985, I had an ectopic pregnancy which required life saving surgery from internal hemorrhaging. In same year, I had an incomplete miscarriage. Also requiring a life saving D&C. If that were to happen now. I’d be dead. My 3 amazing children would not exist. My 11 (one in heaven) would also not exist. As politicians, you do not have the right to make medical decisions for me. Birth control, IVF, abortion? You are not board certified MD’s. For my daughters, for my granddaughters. WHAT ABOUT THE MAN? Sperm is 100% responsible for pregnancy . Man should have equal responsibility and accountability. Jail time. Everything. Keep your hands off of our birth control. You will never have autonomy over my body, ever. Women hold up half of the sky

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