"Oppose Section 702 Reauthorization Without Privacy Protections"
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

"Oppose Section 702 Reauthorization Without Privacy Protections"

To: Sen. Ossoff, Sen. Warnock

From: A verified voter in Atlanta, GA

April 17

The proposed reauthorization of Section 702, with its broad and vague language, poses a significant threat to privacy rights. It compels all service providers, from commercial landlords to house cleaners, to assist in surveillance, under penalty of law. This sweeping mandate, coupled with a gag order, could lead to an abuse of power. It is crucial to either remove this requirement or reject the bill entirely. Furthermore, the lack of meaningful reforms in the base bill and the blocking of votes on key reforms are concerning. The permanent reauthorization of Section 702 without any reforms is unacceptable. It is essential to introduce a warrant requirement for backdoor searches to protect privacy. Therefore, the request is to vote against the bill unless these concerns are addressed.

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