  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

The bombs falling on Gaza today will be falling on us tomorrow

To: Sen. Butler, Pres. Biden, Rep. Huffman, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Fort Bragg, CA

May 15

Every day I watch children being pulled from the rubble of their homes, crying out for their mothers, desperate to know that their family hasn't been buried under the ruin of their home. Twenty-five thousand Palestinian children have lost one or both parents. You are actively building an army of enemies. One of those children who is screaming for their mother today will be screaming for revenge tomorrow. You are laying the groundwork for the next 9/11 as surely as if you'd sent these kids to flight school. Seven months ago, everyone I knew was focused on Democrat at any cost in 2024. Now all them are saying Not in my name. The whole world is watching you support this war. And especially the voters you need and can no longer count on. Even if you care nothing for the unimaginable suffering you are causing in Palestine, care at least for the future of this country you are sworn to protect. You consign us to chaos a little more ever day you support Israel's war.

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