Support Transparency: Expand FOIA to Governor and Legislature
  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Support Transparency: Expand FOIA to Governor and Legislature

To: Rep. Farhat, Gov. Whitmer, Sen. Santana

From: A verified voter in Dearborn, MI

April 24

The current exemption of the governor, lieutenant governor, and legislature from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests has resulted in Michigan's state government being one of the least transparent in the country. Senate bills 669 and 670, which propose to include these offices under Michigan's FOIA laws, are a significant step towards improving transparency. Since 2015, efforts have been made to build support for this change. It is crucial to continue this momentum and ensure the passage of these bills. The expansion of FOIA is a necessary reform to foster accountability and openness in our government. Therefore, the request is for your support in passing these bills to enhance transparency in Michigan's government.

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