  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Change election fundraising laws

To: Sen. Johnson, Rep. Tiffany, Sen. Baldwin, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Hudson, WI

July 16

Election laws must be reformed to prevent wealthy individuals from exerting undue influence on the electoral process through massive political donations. The report that Elon Musk plans to donate $45 million per month to a pro-Trump super PAC is deeply concerning. This astronomical sum from a single donor threatens to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens and undermine the integrity of our democracy. We cannot allow our elections to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Unchecked political spending by the ultra-wealthy skews the playing field and gives their preferred candidates an unfair advantage. This goes against the core democratic principle of political equality and risks turning elections into contests of who can amass the most money rather than who has the best ideas and vision for the country. Concrete measures are needed to get money out of politics and level the playing field. This could include banning super PACs entirely, implementing strict campaign finance limits, or moving to a public funding model for campaigns. Without such reforms, a small group of billionaires could effectively buy outsize influence and distort the will of the people. Our democracy is too precious to be left to the highest bidder. We urge you to take decisive action to curb the corrosive effects of unlimited, concentrated money in politics.

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