  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Support Bianca’s Law

To: Rep. Jeffries, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Brooklyn, NY

July 18

I write to bring urgent attention to the pressing need for strengthened regulation of social media platforms, prompted by recent tragic events such as the case of Bianca Devins.   The prevalence of harmful content and inadequate moderation practices on social media platforms poses a significant threat to public safety and well-being. Cases like Bianca Devins' highlight the urgent necessity for comprehensive legislation to ensure responsible platform management and user protection.   I urge you to prioritize the implementation of laws that hold social media companies accountable for content that incites violence, promotes self-harm, or facilitates harmful behaviors. Additionally, stringent guidelines for content moderation and swift responses to reports of abusive content are crucial to creating a safer online environment.   The devastating impact of unchecked social media use, as evidenced by Bianca Devins' tragic story, underscores the critical need for immediate action. As representatives entrusted with safeguarding our communities, I implore you to enact meaningful legislative reforms to address these issues effectively.   Thank you for your attention to this vital matter. I look forward to your proactive efforts in advancing legislation that protects individuals from harm and ensures responsible social media practices.

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