- United States
- Ky.
- Letter
It's been really aggravating to see all this last-minute sowing of doubt and dissent. I have full faith and confidence in President Biden, and I think trying to replace our incumbent, who has been the most progressive president in 50 years at the last minute with no one knows who is a bad, bad idea!! We need to shut the hell up and support our candidate before we destroy this country fracturing our support. That’s what they did in Europe to finally shut down their right wing candidates.
I see the stories about the polls, but I don't know who these people are taking the polls, and frankly the panicked-echo chamber feels like it's trying to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. My vote is President Biden, same as last year (and I voted Warren in the 2020 primary)! Go President Biden! 💕 It’s almost as if the billionaires who control the media aren’t fans of Biden’s plan to tax them their fair share!