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  3. Letter

Why is the Democratic party not sticking up for Joe Biden?

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Tonko

From: A verified voter in Troy, NY

July 3

I have to say I am so disappointed and the Democratic Party. So much so that I am thinking of leaving and I know from a number of other friends of mine they're thinking the same because when it comes to the way Joe Biden is being treated by the Democratic Party it's sick and it's disgusting and I am so tired of the weakness and the whining that the Democratic party is doing and doing it all in public. Meanwhile one bad night does not define a presidency it does not define Biden but all of the party is acting like it's nothing but a disaster instead of fighting back instead of going after the guy you should be going after you know remember him the guy who got up on stage at that debate and lied to the entire thing between you and the so-called mainstream media it's no wonder the Democrats are losing and you're not even bothering to fight for this country I can't tell you how upset and angry and disgusted I am by this this is not leadership. Republican stick together they have one message and Democrats not even close. A bunch of cowards seriously a bunch of cowards. I know I'm not going to vote for Trump and I know and I've been reading on Facebook quite a few people are not voting for Trump and they're angry about the way the Democratic party is treating Biden. If we lose in November it's all on you people

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