Proud of Sen. Merkley, Ashamed of Everyone Else
  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

Proud of Sen. Merkley, Ashamed of Everyone Else

To: Sen. Merkley, Sen. Wyden, Pres. Biden, Rep. Chavez-DeRemer

From: A verified voter in Oregon City, OR

April 24

I am writing to express the pride I have on this day for Sen. Merkley, who voted no against the aid packages. He is among the brave few who are willing to stand by their principles, denying support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians — even if it costs Ukraine vital supplies. Shame on those who drafted a bill forcing this choice. Shame on those who voice “concern” at the “tragedies” in Gaza, while continuing to fund the ethnic cleansing. Shame on anyone who sees the slaughter of more than 10 thousand children as a “complicated issue”. Sen. Merkley just secured my vote. Everyone else has lost it, along with my faith. Do the right thing: Free Palestine.

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