  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Gomez

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

October 3

I am writing to urge you to fully fund IRS enforcement efforts in the FY2025 budget and reject any cuts since they would benefit tax-evading millionaires and billionaires. The IRS recently recovered $263 MILLION from a single wealthy tax cheat who had been running an offshore tax evasion scheme for over a decade. This massive recovery demonstrates the critical importance of robust IRS enforcement capabilities. Since receiving increased funding, the IRS has collected over $1 billion in back taxes from millionaire tax cheats in less than a year. This money is being used to fund vital public services and reduce the deficit. However, I am deeply concerned by House Republicans' proposal to slash $2 billion from the IRS enforcement budget. This reckless cut would deliberately cripple the agency's ability to go after wealthy tax evaders, effectively siding with high-end tax cheats at the expense of honest taxpayers and crucial public investments. Every dollar cut from IRS enforcement is a gift to ultra-wealthy tax cheats and a blow to working families who pay their fair share of taxes. The proposed $2 billion cut could prevent the recovery of exponentially more in unpaid taxes owed by the rich. As your constituent, I strongly urge you to: — Fully fund IRS enforcement efforts in the FY2025 budget — Reject any cuts to IRS enforcement capabilities — Support measures to further strengthen the IRS's ability to crack down on wealthy tax evaders Billionaires and massive corporations should not be allowed to shirk their obligations while the rest of us play by the rules. A well-funded IRS helps level the playing field and ensures everyone pays what they owe. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to hearing how you plan to protect IRS enforcement funding and stand up for tax fairness.

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