  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Reject religion-centric "Bluebonnet" curriculum in public schools

To: Rep. Holland, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Sen. Paxton, Gov. Abbott

From: A constituent in Wylie, TX

November 22

The proposed "Bluebonnet" curriculum that would incorporate Bible teachings and Christian perspectives into elementary school lessons raises significant concerns about religious neutrality in public education. While religious literacy and understanding different faiths can be valuable, this curriculum appears to prioritize and promote Christianity over other belief systems. Public schools should provide a secular education that is inclusive and welcoming to students of all backgrounds. Introducing religious doctrine, even optionally, risks alienating non-Christian families and endorsing a particular faith contrary to the separation of church and state. Rather than adopting a Bible-focused curriculum, schools should explore objective, academic approaches to teaching about world religions evenhandedly. Preserving religious neutrality in curriculum maintains public schools as a unifying space serving the entire community. I urge you to vote against the "Bluebonnet" materials to uphold constitutional principles and an equitable, unbiased learning environment for all students.

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