  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Tell Congress to get to work

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Issa

From: A verified voter in Santee, CA

November 29

The war on poverty hasn't been won because a system is in place that enables dishonesty and away to escape responsibility. File a complaint against a bank with regulators. That is sent to the bank. The bank responds. The case is closed. The bank is allowed to keep its ill-gotten gain. The regulators don't answer to anyone. When the regulators don't do their jobs, nothing happens. Everything started going in circles in 2017. The banks get richer, we the people lose everything we worked our entire lives to acquire. Congress you need to break the cycle banking and regulatory are sending everything in. The financial crisis the Obama Biden administration cleaned up is going to look like a day at the beach in comparison. Congress if you sit by in silence, everything will reach catastrophic failure. If I can see the damage you can see it as well. I don't have the authority to do anything about what I see. You do. So get to work already. In case you have forgotten you work for me. I have made sure the internet can see what actions you take. Billions of witnesses will see the reason why I support or don't support you. Some of those billions of people are your constituents as well. Your actions will tell the world if you really work for the people or not.

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