  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

The atrocity against Joe Biden

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Tonko

From: A verified voter in Troy, NY

July 21

I see you, especially Schumer, got what you wanted. Thank you for handing trump the presidency - don't even bother spening the money to put up another candidate. None of you bothered to listen to us voters and you destroyed a good man and a great president. You all make me sick and you can absolutley count on me leaving the democratic party. Count yourselves lucky I still won't vote for trump. I don't need to- yoiu just handed it to him. You, the press, the spineless jellyfish that have jsut defined the Democratic party. Enjoy the "victory" of destroying Joe Biden. What kind of despicable, uncaring, craven are you all? Joe Biden just gave up his election run because he cares more about the country than you do. He has more integrity, more ethics, amd more patriotism than you could ever imagine. You should be ashamed. Especially Schumer.

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