  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Gomez, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

September 25

This past year was the toughest year yet for the freedom to read. PEN America’s latest research counted more than 10,000 book bans in the 2023-2024 school year, a steep rise caused by politicians and extremist special interest groups. People have a right to complain about specific books, but one person’s complaint shouldn’t dictate what every child is able to read and learn. Defending diverse literature means defending those books that teach us, challenge us, entertain us, and introduce us to new ideas. I believe in the freedom to read. Books are a gift, and I will always support students’ freedom to read and to learn from books—including those that have been banned. I believe in empowering educators, parents, and students. No one else has a child’s best interests in mind more than their educators and parents. Teachers are trained to select and teach age-appropriate books and curricula—let’s empower them to do their job in the classroom so we can do ours outside of it and give our kids the honest education they deserve. This Banned Books Week, I’m asking you to stand up in support of banned books and protect the freedom to read by speaking out loudly against legislation that takes away the right of students, parents, and educators to access age-appropriate books in schools and in libraries. This is not 1930’s-era Germany. This is the United States in the 21st century. Please fight for our freedoms—all of them—and against book bans. Thanks.

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