  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Pres. Biden, Rep. Huffman

From: A verified voter in Forest Knolls, CA

May 23

I and so many of my fellow citizens am appalled and horrified by the slaughter in Gaza (and in Israel on October 7 as well.) The ICC has issued arrest warrants for both Netanyahu and for the leaders of Hamas. This is not a joke. The level of suffering and destruction in Gaza is intolerable. The targeting of hospitals, schools and aide workers is intolerable. The deaths and maiming of children are intolerable. The lack of meaningful efforts to retrieve the hostages is intolerable. Our backing and support for Netanyahu and his murderous campaign against Gaza must stop and his actions forcefully condemned. There must be a Palestinian state and Netanyahu cannot be supported. He is a war criminal. We should not be aligned with him. We need to align with those in Israel who seek peace, justice and a return of the hostages.

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