  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Reject unqualified nominee McMahon for Secretary of Education

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. Ramirez

From: A verified voter in Chicago, IL

November 20, 2024

The nomination of Linda McMahon as Secretary of Education is deeply concerning for the future of public education in America. McMahon lacks relevant experience and her ties to the wrestling entertainment industry raise doubts about her ability to effectively lead the Department of Education. Furthermore, her reported stance on eliminating the Department and pushing school voucher programs threatens to undermine public education and divert crucial funding away from supporting all students equitably. McMahon's background is in the private sector and promoting her own business interests, not in advancing quality public education accessible to all children regardless of circumstances. Educators and experts have rightly criticized this nomination as an insult to the teaching profession and a betrayal of America's profound responsibility to prepare successive generations for success through robust public schools. The Senate should reject this unqualified nominee who appears poised to prioritize privatization over ensuring strong public education and safeguarding civil rights protections for students. Public education anchors American democracy and the nation's prosperity. Installing an education leader more focused on making education a commodity rather than a societal bedrock would be a grave mistake. The President should reconsider this nomination and put forward a qualified candidate truly committed to supporting and strengthening the public education system that serves the majority of American children and youth. Our students deserve better than an Education Secretary singularly ill-equipped for this vital role.

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