  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Support State Based Universal Healthcare

To: Rep. Cahill, Gov. Healey, Sen. Crighton

From: A constituent in Lynn, MA

December 20

It is time for the state of Massachusetts to implement an efficient universal healthcare system for all Massachusetts residents. This would negate the need of predatory insurance companies, ensure all Massachusetts residents receive reliable coverage. Several districts, including those won by President-elect Donald J. Trump, have voted in support of a state based universal healthcare system according to MassCare’s 2024 ballot measure results. People across the United States have spoken- the people of Massachusetts have spoken. If congress will not act to protect our citizens from predatory insurance companies then the state of Massachusetts must. We already have a robust healthcare industry, and we have seen that the state is willing and able to intervene against practices detrimental to the public, let us allow the people to take advantage of our high quality healthcare system by providing universal coverage to all Massachusetts residents.

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