  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Fix the housing market and rent prices

To: Sen. Menendez, Rep. Gottheimer, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Ridgefield Park, NJ

June 4

The housing market and rent prices in this country have been out of control for years and something must be done about it. Minimum wages have not increased in anyway to keep up with the housing/rental prices and if nothing is done to rectify this problem we’re going to be a country full of homeless families who have absolutely no money to be productive members of a capitalist society with serious economic problems. This is not a conspiracy theory but a simple fact. For the sake of the future of this great nation there must be a cap on the housing market and large corporations should be limited in how many properties they can purchase. We the people need affordable housing or we the people will not put up with this for much longer.

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