  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Only Way to Prevent a POLIO Epidemic in Gaza/Israel is CEASEFIRE

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Pres. Biden, Sen. Bennet, Rep. Crow

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

July 26

I’m writing to you to bring attention to an article published in Haaretz titled "Cease-fire. The Only Way to Prevent a Polio Epidemic Among Gazan and Israeli Babies" (July 21, 2024,) written by 8 Israeli professors of epidemiology and other clinical healthcare specialties. The article explains that the highly infectious polio virus has been detected in sewage samples from Gaza. This poses a new and yet-anticipated threat to both Israelis and Palestinians. There authors highlight that the conditions in Gaza “were ripe for the spread of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases.” They continue,“These include displacement, inadequate access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, malfunctioning of the sewage system, crowded shelters, food insecurity and a collapse of the health care infrastructure, including vaccination services.” Palestinian babies and Israeli infants, who have not completed their required vaccinations due to disruptions in health services, are now at significant risk. They are not guilty of any crime, other than the dangerous circumstances they were born into. The identification of the polio virus in Gaza is a stark reminder that infectious diseases do not recognize borders and can spread rapidly, causing paralysis, long-term disability, and even death. In light of these grave concerns, I urge you to take immediate action to: 1. Implement an Arms Embargo on Israel: The ongoing military aggression has caused the collapse of Gaza’s healthcare system and infrastructure. An arms embargo on Israel is essential. 2. Call for an Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire: A ceasefire is crucial to allow for the implementation of a comprehensive public health response, including vaccination campaigns, improvement of water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions, enhancement of food security, rebuilding adequate shelter, and rehabilitation of Gaza's health system. The response to this threat must be multi-pronged, coordinated, and comprehensive, involving international organizations and cooperation between all parties. In Israel, efforts are underway to vaccinate soldiers currently or recently in Gaza, hostages, and caregivers. Similar efforts must be facilitated in Gaza to reach infants, humanitarian and health workers, and immunocompromised adults. This is not a matter of politics, but of health and life. A ceasefire is not only a moral imperative but a practical necessity to prevent a polio epidemic and ensure the well-being of both Palestinians and Israelis. You must take immediate steps to support an arms embargo on Israel and advocate for a permanent ceasefire. The health and lives of countless individuals depend on your swift and decisive action. (

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