VOTE on Support for Ukraine, and Democracy Worldwide
  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

VOTE on Support for Ukraine, and Democracy Worldwide

To: Sen. Blackburn, Sen. Hagerty, Rep. Fleischmann

From: A constituent in Chattanooga, TN

April 22

Senators Blackburn and Haggarty, Please don't use Russian tropes like "we're killing Ukrainians and destroying civilian power stations in order to deNazify a country whose President is a Jew." This is the easiest vote imaginable .. Putin/Trump / autocracy vs Ukraine / NATO/ democracy. A 5% increase in Defense, none of our troops boots there, reduces nuclear proliferation, half the money spent in U S., sends huge message to China. Aiding Trump / Putin, in ANY way, is an abomination, NOT the legacy you want to leave with your descendants. Country before Trump/Putin (which includes the RNC, and their "legitimate political discourse" disgrace).

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