No More Aid to Israel
  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

No More Aid to Israel

To: Sen. Collins, Sen. King

From: A constituent in Acton, ME

April 22

I am writing to urge you to vote against sending any more aid to Israel. The International Court of Justice has determined that Israel is plausibly committing genocide, and has already killed more than 33,000 Palestinians including more than 14,000 children. Aid to Israel makes the US an outlier in the world for its morally abhorrent  support for genocide, and its aid to Israel makes the Congress and the President complicit, and by extension, the use of our tax $$ makes us complicit as well. Aid to Israel violates not only international law, but US law including: The Foreign Assistance Act The Arms Export Control Act The  Leahy law Biden's National Security Memo (NSM-20) The UN report coming out today states that Israel has provided NO EVIDENCE - NONE, to support its accusations against UNWRA, and  insist that US aid to UNWRA be reinstated immediately to help stave off famine and disease in Gaza. Democracy and humanity compels you to vote against sending any more money, assistance, or aid to Israel. We must end this genocide and prevent a greater escalation of conflict due to Israel’s senseless violence.

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