  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

Reconvene Congress urgently to aid Hurricane Helene victims

To: Rep. Ogles, Sen. Hagerty, Sen. Blackburn

From: A constituent in Nashville, TN

October 9

Hurricane Helene has caused widespread devastation across the Southeast, leaving countless families and communities in dire need of assistance. Yet, rather than promptly addressing this urgent crisis, you have refused to reconvene Congress before the election to authorize additional FEMA funding. This inaction is unacceptable and prolongs the suffering of those impacted by this natural disaster. The role of elected officials is to serve the people, not prioritize political calculations over human needs. Disasters do not discriminate based on party affiliation or election cycles – they demand an immediate and comprehensive response. By delaying action until after the election, you are effectively weaponizing the hardship of your constituents for perceived political gain. This is a dereliction of your duty to protect and support all Americans, regardless of their circumstances. I urge you to reconsider your position and call Congress back into session without delay. The states affected by Hurricane Helene require urgent resources to address the extensive damages and support recovery efforts. Failing to act swiftly will only exacerbate the challenges faced by those who have already lost so much. Set aside partisan interests and demonstrate true leadership by prioritizing the well-being of the American people over political expediency.

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