  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Gomez, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

May 11

I’m a constituent writing to ask you to call for the US to withhold any support for an Israeli military invasion of Rafah in Palestine. The death toll of this war is heartbreaking. The Israeli military’s plan to invade Rafah would be even more catastrophic. Any humanitarian solution to this crisis starts with stopping the bombs and the killing. We can’t allow American weapons and supplies to be used for more escalations, like a Rafah invasion.  I urge you to call for US offensive weapons to be withheld from the Israeli military, to oppose a Rafah invasion, to demand the release of the hostages, and to push for a desperately needed ceasefire. Thanks.

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