  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Accomodating the visually impaired

To: Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown, Pres. Biden, Rep. Joyce

From: A verified voter in Willoughby, OH

October 20

We should standardize the location and presentation of Braille signage in public spaces. First, we should have it designed primarily by blind and sight-impaired folk in all cases. But, modulo their preferences and suggestions, I propose the following ideas: (1) If it labels a single door or the contents or purpose or type of the room beyond the said door, then it should be affixed to the wall at a point which is vertically level with and within one decimeter of the point in the door frame which is nearest to the door handle or push plate for the said door. (2) If it labels a double-door, ditto for the room, then it should be affixed to the door above and within one decimeter of each handle, and should be part of and 'inscribe' any push plate which is present. (3) All Braille signage should be in visually high contrast and should also be with large, tactile, easily read English print in the standard Latin alphabetic and also the Braille recording systems; other languages may be supported and if a language is used in print on public building signage then it Braille equivalent should also be required. (4) Emergency evacuation maps, routes, and procedures should be depicted in a tactile manner and high-contrast and fluorescent paint and high-visibility lights, as well as tactile markers, should indicate evacuation routes in public floor spaces.

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